Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Armed Mexicans Invade USA

Fox News article: Mexican Gangs Maintain Permanent Lookout Bases in Hills of Arizona http://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/06/22/mexican-gangs-permanent-lookouts-parkland/

What do you call armed foreigners crossing into another country? I call it invasion.

What if the armed foreigners have established posts, are coordinating the infiltration into the invaded country? Its called a tactical invasion.

What if the source country of the armed foreigners is not against these actions, but is supporting them by denouncing State actions to prevent it when they meet with the President? It's called invasion.

Mexican drug cartels have set up shop on American soil, maintaining lookout
bases in strategic locations in the hills of southern Arizona from which their
scouts can monitor every move made by law enforcement officials, federal agents
tell Fox News.

It's happening now. We are being invaded by armed Mexicans. The Mexican government is doing nothing to prevent it. In fact they have been in favor of Mexicans illegally entering our country for years.

What are we doing about it? Nothing.

In these areas, which are south and west of Tucson, sources said there are
“cartel scouts galore” watching the movements of federal, state and local law
enforcement, from the border all the way up to Interstate 8.

“Every night we’re getting beaten like a pinata at a birthday
party by drug, alien smugglers," a second federal agent told Fox News by
e-mail. "The danger is out there, with all the weapons being found coming
northbound…. someone needs to know about this!”

What if Iraq did this to Kuwait? Oh yeah... we invaded Iraq! What if Iran did this to us? Would it be different if armed Iranians or North Koreans were crossing our border? To use a progressive idealogy... If we allow Mexicans to do it, but wouldn't allow North Koreans... that's racism. US law is supposed to be applied equally to all with out regard to emotion or favor...

Equal application of law would stop this invasion. You think it's NOT an invasion...?
They say the area has never been controlled and has suddenly gotten worse,
with the cartels maintaining a strong presence on U.S. soil. More than ever,
agents on the front lines are wearing tactical gear, including helmets, to
protect themselves.

When somone starts bringing a gun to a boxing fight, maybe it's time to start bringing a gun too. Point is, it's time to stop being nice guys. Its time to start supporting our border agents and allowing them to use armed force against ANY armed invader.

Without placing direct fault on anyone, multiple agents told Fox that the
situation is more dangerous for them than ever now that the cartels have such a
strong position on the American side of the border.

They say morale is down among many who patrol the desolate area, and they worry that the situation won't change until an agent gets killed.

Protection of American lives and border agent's lives is priority one. The Washington DC administration is responsible for ANY US blood spilled by illegal aliens (such as the Arizona Farmer) because it's their constitutional DUTY to protect our borders!

Why are our borders still not protected? Why is the administration allowed to violate it's constitutional duty?