Thursday, April 1, 2010

Federal taxes

My philosophy on Federal taxing...

Currently our Federal Government collects enough taxes to redistribute a portion back to the States, to special interest groups and to foreign entities. Soon it will redsitribute billions to third world countries if CAP and TRADE is passed. At the same time the Federal Government is increasing our National Debt by trillions.

First, if the Federal government collects enough taxes to provide a "surplus" enabling it to divert those tax dollars back to States, it has collected too much tax. There is zero function, zero basis for the Federal government to "give" money back to the States.

This gives too much power to the Federal government. The Federal government uses this cash as a bribe to get States to follow the will of the Federal government and do things against their will and the will of their people. This is called bribery. It creates crooked politicians. It also creates wasteful earmark spending when Federal tax dollars are used to fund a bridge in some remote area of a state simply because that State's politician required the funding to buy his vote.

Its also wealth redistribution. A socialist concept. When money is taken from the people of one state to fund a project in another state this is redistribution. This is wrong. Federal tax dollars should be used for the benefit of all citizens equally, not to the benefit of only a few.

Second, the "excess" tax dollars collected are given to special interest groups that, by themselves, would not exist. And, would not be able to collect enough money from private citizens because these entities do not have enough support. Many of the special interest groups receiving money do not line up with what many people believe in. Most people would not want their omney going to these organizations.

Many of these organizations have been proven to be breaking laws and engaged in criminal activity. See ACORN for one... It also pulls these organizations into politics, which diverts cash from their main purpose and taints their activities towards questionable actions.

In addition to special interests, billions of dolalrs are given to foreign entities... governments. The original purpose of giving money to some governments was the hope they would become democratic and capitalistic. however, many of the governments have only lined the pockets of their corrupt leaders while their country remains third world and starving. No improvement has been measured... why do we continue to fund other governments/countries?

Third, while our Federal government gives this money away as if it has the right to do it, our National debt has tripled. We are the most indebt country in the world. The priority of our government has become self preservation of politicians instead of supporting the constitution and the citizens of the country. We are now owned by China. Our national security is at serious risk because national decisions are influenced by the owners of our debt. Being in debt alsoleaves us little cash to apply to national emergencies, border control, and our own citizens.

Our Federal government rejects all attempts by the people, and common sense, to force a balanced budget. Congress accepts automatic yearly raises at a time when the country is in recession. They have removed themselves from the real world and are living in a fairy tale land of uncontrolable spending, a world where they are above the law and a world where they do not answer to the people anymore.