Friday, September 10, 2010
Great Video Clip!!!!
NJ Gov Christie Delivers Brilliant Laceration of Teachers’ Union
‘Like a Dog’: The Origins of Barack Obama’s Petulance
‘Like a Dog’: The Origins of Barack Obama’s Petulance
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
US Government gives up against Mexican Drug Cartels
The federal government has posted signs along a major interstate highway inInstead of sending more federal enforcement and securing the border, Arizona received 15 warning signs from the federal government.
Arizona, more than 100 miles north of the U.S.-Mexico border, warning travelers
the area is unsafe because of drug and alien smugglers, and a local sheriff says
Mexican drug cartels now control some parts of the state.
Local law enforcement has stated..."Mexican drug cartels literally do control parts of Arizona,". "This is going on here in Arizona," he said... "This is 70 to 80 miles from the border - 30 miles from the fifth-largest city in the United States."
While Arizona is under attack by Mexican drug cartels, which in ALL other instances would be labeled terrorist attacks, Obama has been busy reporting Arizona to the UN for human rights violations. The Feds have also recently filed charges against Arizona colleges for requiring immigrants to complete additional paperwork proving their eligibility. Oh, the horror!
Who is in the wrong here? Obama for dont upholding the constitution (which he was sworn to uphold) and securing our borders? Or, Arizona for stepping in where the Obama has failed and trying to make Arizona safe for US citizens?
I think it's pretty obvious.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
9 States support Arizona against Barry
Alabama, Florida, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas and Virginia have filed a legal brief in support of Arizona's immigration law... against Obama's lawsuit against Arizona.
"Arizona, Michigan and every other state have the authority to enforce
immigration laws, and it is appalling to see President Obama use taxpayer
dollars to stop a state's efforts to protect its own borders," Cox said in a
I couldn't agree more!
"By lawsuit, rather than by legislation, the federal government seeks to negate
this preexisting power of the states to verify a person's immigration status and
similarly seeks to reject the assistance that the states can lawfully provide to
the Federal government," the brief states.
By lawsuit... yet another example of Barry trying to circumvent the process and enforce his will over the country...
I'm glad to see Virginia on the list, in support of Arizona's immigration law!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Racial tension in the Democratic party
Black House Candidate Miffed Obama Endorsed White Incumbent Over Him
A Democratic candidate is ticked off because the Prez, Mr. Obama, decided to back a white man over a black man. Further, the black democrat went out and made his racial anger known to all.
I firmly believe Obama backed the white candidate (the incumbent) for political purposes only. Had the Prez decided the white candidate couldn't benefit him, he would have chosen the black candidate.
Either way, this is a prime example of the racial tension within the Democratic party and the expectations one black man has of another mostly black man. Not all black men/women are like this, but it's there for all to see. This candidate is disgusting.
Where is the NAACP at to condemn this?

NAACP and Black Panthers against Tea Party
The NAACP's Mission and Vision statement are terrific...
The mission of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People isOne would think the Tea Party is a terrible thing. However there has been ZERO evidence of racism within the Tea Party. The Tea Party consists of average American citizens of mixed background, fighting the sociaIism and growth of our Federal Government.
to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of
all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination.
Vision Statement
The vision of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
is to ensure a society in which all individuals have equal rights without
discrimination based on race.
The NAACP has violated its own Mission and Vision statements by picking the Tea Party to condemn, while IGNORING the vile trash being spewed by the Black Panthers...
The Black Panthers have preached killing police, fighting crackers and explicit violence against whites. The Black Panthers have also committed intimidation at polling locations in the 2008 Presidential election.
The NAACP would be wise to condemn the White House and its administration for dropping voter intimidation charges against the Black Panthers.

Thursday, June 24, 2010
Obama Administration vs Gulf Sand Berms
Full Story:
The Executive branch of the government has NO power to halt sand berm construction. The roles and responsibilities of the Exeecutive Branch are:
From Wikipedia (
The six roles that the top leadership of the executive branch fulfills are
as follows:
chief of state - symbolic leader of the nation
chief executive - running the functions of the state, managing the bureaucracy, and deciding how to enforce the law
chief diplomat - overseeing state's ambassadors and determining foreign policy
commander in chief - commanding the state's armed forces and
determining military policy
chief legislator - influencing the legislature by urging the passage or defeat of a new law
guardian of economy - protects the value of the currency and the money of the people
The Fish and Wildlife Services mission statement (from their website:
The mission of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is working with others to
conserve, protect, and enhance fish, wildlife, plants, and their habitats for
the continuing benefit of the American people.
At what point does the Federal Government trump state? The berm creation is on state property, under state jurisdiction, to protect a state's natural resources. I think this comes down to the 9th and 10th amendments, and the pregressively growing role of the US government (growing by giving itself jurisdiction and powers not assigned by the constitution).
I have to side with the States on this one.
Now Mexico is suing Arizona over immigration law...
"The law generally requires police investigating another incident or crime to
ask people about their immigration status if there's a "reasonable suspicion"
they're in the country illegally. It also makes being in Arizona illegally a
misdemeanor, and it prohibits seeking day-labor work along the state's streets."
However, the MEXICAN law concerning Immigration (into Mexico)...
So... it's OK for Mexico, but NOT OK for Arizona. Is that right???"Until recently, Mexican law made illegal immigration a criminal offense --
anyone arrested for the violation could be fined, imprisoned for up to two years
and deported. Mexican lawmakers changed that in 2008 to make illegal immigration a civil violation like it is in the United States, but their law still reads an awful lot like Arizona's."
"Mexican law, however, requires law enforcement officials "to demand that
foreigners prove their legal presence in the country before attending to any
Further, further...
"Amnesty International recently issued a report claiming illegal immigrants in
Mexico -- typically from Central America -- face abuse, rape and kidnappings, and that Mexican police do little to stop it. When illegal immigration was a criminal offense in Mexico, officials were known to seek bribes from suspects to keep them out of jail. "
Hmmm... Where would you rather be an illegal immigrant... Mexico, or Arizona? Why is ANYONE listening to Mexico about our own USA immigration laws, and Arizona's law to uphold the Federal immigration law?
Since the Arizona law is designed to enforce the Federal immigration law already on the books (for YEARS), maybe Mexico should consider petitioning Obama to change the Federal immigration law?
I fully support LEGAL immigration and support Mexicans legally visiting the states and even legally working here. On the other hand, when Mexicans cross our borders illegally, they are instantly criminals because they've broken our law and shown complete disregard for our immigration law by sneaking in undocumented. There is NO justification for deciding NOT to uphold the immigration law in any circumstance. Our laws apply equally to all, therefore illegals MUST face punishment for breaking out law. Mexico has ZERO voice in this matter.
I hereby boycott Mexico. No more Cancun vacations for me!
If we're SOOOO BAD then Mexico should encourage it's citizens to not come here...
"Mexican officials previously had voiced opposition to the Arizona law, with
Calderon saying June 8 that the law "opens a Pandora's box of the worst abuses
in the history of humanity" by promoting racial profiling and potentially
leading to an authoritarian society"
You gotta be kidding me... By encouraging enforcement of Federal immigration law, to verify legal status after engaging in criminal activity in Arizona, we may be participating in one of the worst abuses in the history of humanity... This from a country full of corruption and immigration laws similar, or worse, to ours.
Utter ridiculousness. Stop the madness!!!
full story here: Mexico Joins Suit Against Arizona's Immigration Law
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Police move to make videoing them illegal!
When the police act as though cameras were the equivalent of guns pointed at
them, there is a sense in which they are correct. Cameras have become the most
effective weapon that ordinary people have to protect against and to expose
police abuse. And the police want it to stop.
If this is our last line of defense against a false charge, or a thug cop, then the ability to video must NOT be lost!
Thomas Jefferson quote
Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.

Armed Mexicans Invade USA
What do you call armed foreigners crossing into another country? I call it invasion.
What if the armed foreigners have established posts, are coordinating the infiltration into the invaded country? Its called a tactical invasion.
What if the source country of the armed foreigners is not against these actions, but is supporting them by denouncing State actions to prevent it when they meet with the President? It's called invasion.
Mexican drug cartels have set up shop on American soil, maintaining lookout
bases in strategic locations in the hills of southern Arizona from which their
scouts can monitor every move made by law enforcement officials, federal agents
tell Fox News.
It's happening now. We are being invaded by armed Mexicans. The Mexican government is doing nothing to prevent it. In fact they have been in favor of Mexicans illegally entering our country for years.
What are we doing about it? Nothing.
In these areas, which are south and west of Tucson, sources said there are
“cartel scouts galore” watching the movements of federal, state and local law
enforcement, from the border all the way up to Interstate 8.
“Every night we’re getting beaten like a pinata at a birthday
party by drug, alien smugglers," a second federal agent told Fox News by
e-mail. "The danger is out there, with all the weapons being found coming
northbound…. someone needs to know about this!”
What if Iraq did this to Kuwait? Oh yeah... we invaded Iraq! What if Iran did this to us? Would it be different if armed Iranians or North Koreans were crossing our border? To use a progressive idealogy... If we allow Mexicans to do it, but wouldn't allow North Koreans... that's racism. US law is supposed to be applied equally to all with out regard to emotion or favor...
Equal application of law would stop this invasion. You think it's NOT an invasion...?
They say the area has never been controlled and has suddenly gotten worse,
with the cartels maintaining a strong presence on U.S. soil. More than ever,
agents on the front lines are wearing tactical gear, including helmets, to
protect themselves.
When somone starts bringing a gun to a boxing fight, maybe it's time to start bringing a gun too. Point is, it's time to stop being nice guys. Its time to start supporting our border agents and allowing them to use armed force against ANY armed invader.
Without placing direct fault on anyone, multiple agents told Fox that the
situation is more dangerous for them than ever now that the cartels have such a
strong position on the American side of the border.
They say morale is down among many who patrol the desolate area, and they worry that the situation won't change until an agent gets killed.
Protection of American lives and border agent's lives is priority one. The Washington DC administration is responsible for ANY US blood spilled by illegal aliens (such as the Arizona Farmer) because it's their constitutional DUTY to protect our borders!
Why are our borders still not protected? Why is the administration allowed to violate it's constitutional duty?
Friday, June 11, 2010
Racist 'Black Hole' comment by Hallmark?
...members of the Los Angeles NAACP say it sounds like "black whore." That's how
they're hearing the card's audio component, and they say it's racist.
1- Maybe they feel somewhat quilty?
2- Does it sound like that, or does it REALLY say that?
Maybe its time to stop projecting racist perceptions onto others, Maybe the NAACP should have read the card, looked at the 'Universe' theme and realized it was 'Black Hole' they were hearing.
I guess its pretty close in 'ebonics' though...
Get over it!
I'm offended that African Americans have to have special groups just for blacks. Why can't they just be social and participate with other 'races'? Seems they have to segregate themselves.
Mexican double standard on the border
Reported from the FBI... The Mexican soldiers (possibly Police) used rifles to chase off border agents investigating the shooting of a 15 yr old boy.
FBI: Mexican soldiers used rifles to chase off U.S. Border Patrol
From the article...
The Mexican authorities accused the Americans of trying to recover evidence from
Mexican soil and threatened to kill them if they crossed the border, prompting
both sides to draw their guns, said the 16-year-old boy who asked not to be
further identified for fear of reprisal.
Soooo.... If the US citizens crossed into Mexico, the Mexican authorities would have shot them! Maybe we should take the same position when Mexican citizens try to enter into the US. Just sayin...
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Arizona Immigration Law
Arizona has been suffering high crime, rape, murder, DUIs, etc... by illegal immigrants. Arizona had to do something to protect it's citizens.
I have real concerns about the (say this with a German accent...) "Show me your papers", represive environment this may lead to. As with ALL laws, they can get out of hand. On the other hand, what else can Arizona legally do to protect the citizens? What happens if a legal citizen doesn't have identification when questioned by the Police? will this person be let go?
Holder, in his almighty wisdom, may be challenging this law in court...
AG: Court challenge possible on immigration law
Since the Health Care law came first, Holder should prioritize his challenges in order of timeline and challenge the Health Care's legality first, but I digress.
Is there anything illegal about Arizona's new law?
"Eric Holder said Tuesday that the federal government may go to court to challenge Arizona's new law which makes it a state crime to be in the United States illegally."
First, lets dissect that statement. Holder wants to challenge the fact that its a state CRIME to be here ILLEGALLY. Hmmm... makes sense to me!
Second... Holder may be saying that immigration is a Federal issue, not a state issue, which doesn't make sense for two reasons. 1) Arizona is suffering because of lack of Federal enforcement of Federal law. 2) There are many examples of both Federal and State laws applying to the same issue (such as drugs). There's no reason why a state can not have an immigration law, so long as the immigration law.
"Janet Napolitano also voiced reservations about the new state law, saying it could siphon federal money and staff from hunting down dangerous immigrants."
Basically, the law would FORCE the Federal governemnt to actually enforce its own laws.
Then Obama says:
"President Barack Obama has instructed the Justice Department to examine theBasic notions of fairness... like Black Panthers threatening people at voting locations, being able to make your own choice about Health Care, keeping the Federal government out of private business, or equal justice instead of social justice! Maybe Obama is just concerned about his Aunt, who's here illegally, being deported.
Arizona law that he said last week threatens to "undermine basic notions of
Me thinks there's some double standards!
Monday, April 19, 2010
2nd Amendment March in DC! YES!!!!
Hundreds of activists rallied in Washington, D.C., in support of gun rights
Which means, more like thousands...
Whole article here: Activists Rally in Washington in Support of Gun Rights
This Vanderboegh fellow is GREAT!
Wow.Across the Potomac River in Alexandria, former Alabama Minutemen leader Mike
Vanderboegh told the crowd armed confrontation should be reserved only for instances of the government threatening people's lives.However, he said it might be justified if people face arrest for refusing to buy insurance under the health care reform package recently passed by Congress.
"If I know I'm not going to get a fair trial in federal court ... I at least have the
right to an unfair gunfight," Vanderboegh said.
I do think gun control advocate Martina Leinz missed the point...
"If they wanted to have dialogue, they don't need to bring a big weapon with
them," she said of the protesters.
2nd Amendment supporters have been silent for too long...